Wednesday, February 8, 2012

JPG Soleil, Couture Edition.

A favorite dress of mine from Jean Paul Gaultier's 2008 spring couture collection.

Can't you just smell the sea off the French Riviera in 1910?

(Sniff hard!)

Inspiration if you need it: The hair! Fabulous mermaid hair. And parasols. Glorious Fringe-y parasols. And blue lips.

This post was inspired by my current trip to Dallas with other ACI members. We ventured to the Dallas Museum of Art where we saw the Gaultier exhibition. Breathtaking. We also saw things like, oh you know, Scarlett O'Hara's green curtain hat from Gone with the Wind up-close and personal. IT HAS TALONS JUST LIKE SCARLETT! More on that later though... The trip, not Scarlett's talons.

Gene Tierney's Little Leopard

Please don't bring your live leopard to the party. Thank you.

Please DO bring that attitude. Dang girl!

She makes waves.

I wouldn't want to get my hair wet either. I mean, if I had Rita's hair. 

Time Travel

Coney Island in the 40's

Inspiration if You Need It

Life Guard uniforms in the 20's:
For a smooth transition from beach to Art Museum Openings.

Friday    March 3rd    6 pm

Mood Music!

 Annette and Frankie. Frankie and Annette. 

There's no way you're not thinking about The Sea right now and what you're going to wear to the opening (on March's First Friday) 

....or what I'm going to wear!

Inspiration if you need it: mermaids and sea monsters.